As a harmonious fusion of art and fashion, the imaginative print „Crazy Marble“ masterfully strikes the perfect balance between creativity and style. With its exciting interplay of green, red, and cream tones, as well as blue and pink shades, the unique „marble effect“ becomes synonymous with individuality and summery finesse. Apart from accessories, it also exudes a summery spirit on casual mules and feminine designs.

An artistic combination of warm sand tones and feminine violet or nocturnal blue hues, adorned with the graphic Högl emblem, embellishes the scarf „Hope“. Thus, the elegant accessory becomes a versatile styling partner. A charming statement piece that adds a fresh color accent to monochrome dresses and feminine skirts.

Adorning any everyday outfit, our scarf „Twilight“ features a graphic pattern in trending colors of red, white, and black, definitely possessing the potential to become a favorite piece.

Our graphic print „Floyd“ becomes a classic optical statement in the colors green, white, and black. Wear our scarf „Twilight“ elegantly with a simple summer dress.