We did it!
Together with the Jane Goodall Institute Austria
we can plant 1500 trees in Uganda.

We care about taking responsibility for our planet and setting an example for environmental protection.
Jane Goodall has been working for decades for global peace, holistic species protection and the promotion of respectful, sustainable treatment of people, animals and nature. With her extraordinary ability to inspire and enthuse people for her projects, she is a great role model for all of us. We admire her tireless commitment and we love to support this valuable project.
The Jane Goodall Reforestation Project in Uganda
The forests of the Albertine Rift Valley in Uganda are among the world's 200 most valuable ecosystems, of utmost local and global importance for biodiversity conservation and as climate regulators.
Although tropical forests are the largest terrestrial CO2 reservoirs, they have been particularly hard hit by deforestation over the past 50 years.
70% of western Uganda's forests have already been destroyed. Unfortunately, this process continues to this day. The results affect us all: groundwater, drought, specias extinction. In Africa, the habitat of chimpanzees is also endagered.
The reforestation projects in Uganda are as diverse as the problem they address: Planting trees is only part of it.
The Jane Goodall Institute Austria integrates local people, explains what an intact forest brings to their local ecosystem, takes conservation measures together and launches initiatives to build tree nurseries, reforestation and renaturation.
"We are not asking charity to help save the wildlife
- and ultimately the people - of Africa.
We are asking for a collective investment
in the future and in a legacy that we can be proud of.
We do not have much time left.
We must act now."
Dr. Jane Goodall