– Unter diesem Motto feiern wir den Weltfrauentag bei Högl. Frauen auf der ganzen Welt inspirieren uns täglich mit ihrer Kraft, ihrem Mut und ihrer Leidenschaft. Unser Team hat persönliche Botschaften und Wünsche gesammelt, um all den wunderbaren Frauen zu danken, die unsere Welt bereichern.
Today‘s women don‘t wait for the miraculous - they stage their own miracles. All the best for International Women‘s Day.
Claudia, Product Management

On International Women‘s Day, I would like to celebrate all women worldwide - their strengths, their visions, who have pursued their dreams and achieved their goals despite all the challenges. I wish you a day full of appreciation and empowerment!
Natascha, Human Resource
I am grateful to be surrounded by so many strong women every day. They always inspire me to give even more. Thank you for always being by my side!
Verena, Retail Management

I purr a huge thank you for all the wonderful women who enrich the world with courage, heart and passion. Stay wild, free and unstoppable.
Luis, Marketing
Thank you to the mothers, sisters, friends and role models who show us what strength, love and courage mean. Let us continue to grow together.
Emelie, Marketing

To all power women,
Today I would like to thank all the strong, courageous and inspiring women who pursue their goals every day with passion, dedication and determination. You are the backbone of many changes, the driving force behind so many wonderful stories and the source of hope and courage for many.
Your strength is not only shown in the big successes, but also in the small moments of perseverance, kindness and support you give to others. You prove day after day that true power comes from believing in yourself, being willing to grow and loving what you do.
I wish you continued endless strength, joy and moments of fulfilment. May every step you take bring you closer to your dreams and desires, and may you always have the energy and support you deserve.
Thank you for making the world a better, stronger and more inspiring place.
Christina, Purchasing