Conditions for participation & Privacy Policy
Conditions of participation | Status as of: 10/2017
1. Scope of application/territorial validity: The myhögl Loyalty Program shall be run by HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH, Joseph-Lorenz-Straße 1, 4775 Taufkirchen/Pram, Austria – hereinafter referred to as “Högl”, “Program Operator” or “Responsible Party” –, under participation of its Affiliated Companies (branches of the Responsible Party (within the European Union)), listed under hoegl.com/affiliated-companies. The said myhögl Loyalty Program shall only be valid and applicable in participating Högl stores (for list of stores see hoegl.com/myhoegl-stores) and shall start on 01/01/2018. For the participation of the customer – hereinafter also referred to as “Participant” – in the myhögl Loyalty Program, the following conditions shall apply as amended.
2. Content of the myhögl Loyalty Program: The myhögl customer card entitles the Participant to take part in the myhögl Loyalty program. The participation in the myhögl Loyalty program requires a purchase – hereinafter referred to as “Bonus-Relevant Purchase“ – while only and exclusively purchases in one of the participating Högl stores shall be deemed valid for the purposes of this program. By means of the myhögl customer card the customer’s purchase turnover is recorded and based on this recorded turnover the Participant has achieved at the end of a calendar year – hereinafter referred to as “Högl Bonus Collection Year” – she/he shall receive a loyalty bonus in the form of a voucher, depending on the amount of her/his purchase turnover and corresponding to the predefined turnover stages (bonus levels). With each Bonus-Relevant Purchase the Participant receives points credited to her customer card account. The corresponding equivalent in the respective national currency (e.g. 1 point = 1 EUR) is stated under www.hoegl.com. To ensure the proper recording of the turnover or points, respectively, the Participant must present her/his myhögl customer card and ensure her/his registration with the program prior to each cashing/checkout process. The recording of any purchases in retrospect is not possible. Sales turnovers can be canceled in case of violation(s) of the Conditions of Participation, for lack of prerequisites for the consideration of the amount in question (e.g. if the goods are returned) or in the event of a false entry or accounting error. Points can only be collected between January 01 and December 31 of the relevant Bonus Collection Year. Therefore, the loyalty bonus depends on the purchase turnover achieved over one Högl Bonus Collection Year. The number of points collected is printed on the receipt issued for each purchase. In addition, the customer can request her/his number of points from the Högl customer service, by sending an e-mail to my@hoegl.com. Final accounting shall take place in January of the following year. Subsequently, the Participant shall receive a bonus voucher in a value corresponding to a specific percentage of this Participant’s annual turnover. Any objections against the correctness or completeness of this annual turnover must be raised in written (electronic) form within a period of 3 months following the issuing of the voucher and must be submitted to the program operator either by way of e-mail (to my@hoegl.com), or by regular mail (to HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH, myhögl, Joseph-Lorenz-Straße 1, 4775 Taufkirchen/Pram, Austria). Failure to make a timely complaint shall constitute full acceptance of the value of the voucher issued to the Participant. Within a period of 12 months following the issuing of the voucher, the loyalty reward bonus can then be redeemed exclusively against shoes, bags or accessories in any desired Högl store in the country of your regular Högl store participating in the Loyalty Program, by either submitting a complete printed version of the voucher, including the code, or by presenting the voucher on your smartphone or tablet. A cash refund of the reward bonus as well as any form of combination with other vouchers and/or rebate campaigns shall be excluded. Any transfer of points from one year to the following or to somebody else’s customer account shall equally be excluded.
Brief survey on the advantages/services provided by the myhögl Loyalty Program:

*will be sent to you exclusively via e-mail
3. Registration requirements: Any natural person having reached the age of 18 may participate in the Loyalty Program. It is also possible for a person with restricted legal capacity to participate, however, only with written consent of her/his legal representative and provided that this person has reached a minimum age of 16. Participation is free of charge. Registration is only possible in one of the participating Högl stores (for information on these stores please refer to hoegl.com/myhoegl-stores). The participation in the myhögl Loyalty Program requires statement of form of address (Mr/Mrs), name, complete address, e-mail address, date of birth, the proper marking of the first check box regarding the personal data consents on the data protection regulations set out overleaf, the signing of this registration form as well as a bonus-relevant purchase in one of the participating Högl stores – a list of which is available under hoegl.com/myhoegl-stores. The Participant declares that any and all contact details submitted by her/him are correct and that she/he shall inform the Responsible Person with immediate effect of any changes of her/his person-related data, by either sending an e-mail to my@hoegl.com or a regular mail to HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH, myhögl, Joseph-Lorenz-Straße 1, 4775 Taufkirchen/Pram, Austria in order to ensure the proper implementation of the myhögl Loyalty Program. Högl shall reserve the right to deny certain people the participation in the program for good cause.
4. Termination, modification(s) in the Conditions for Participation: The customer shall be entitled to terminate participation in the myhögl Loyalty Program at any time and in written (electronic) form, by either sending an e-mail to my@hoegl.com or a regular mail to HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH, myhögl, Joseph-Lorenz-Straße 1, 4775 Taufkirchen/Pram, Austria. The program operator shall be entitled to terminate a customer’s participation in written (electronic) form observing a period of notice of 4 weeks; however, in the event of a good cause, such termination shall have immediate effect. Högl reserves the right to terminate the myhögl Loyalty Program, observing a reasonable period of notice, or, provided there is a good cause for such termination, also without setting a period of notice. Furthermore, the program operator reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Conditions for Participation, provided that such modifications are reasonable to the customer, because they are of minor extent and objectively justified. Any further material modification(s) of the Conditions for Participation shall only be possible upon the Participant’s consent. Such modification(s) shall become effective two months after notification of the Participant, unless the program operator has not received an objection on the part of the customer by this time, submitted in written (electronic) form either by e-mail to my@hoegl.com or by regular mail to HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH, myhögl, Joseph-Lorenz-Straße 1, 4775 Taufkirchen/Pram, Austria). In its notification, the program operator shall inform the Participant of the respectively desired modification(s). Furthermore, the participant shall be informed that failing to object to such modification(s) within the set period of two months shall unequivocally be considered as implied consent to the latter. If the customer objects to the conditions of participation to be modified, such objection shall cause the immediate termination of her/his participation in the myhögl Loyalty Program. Any customer claims already existing at the time of the proper termination of the customer’s participation (on the part of Högl), the canceling of the myhögl Loyalty Program or the modification(s) of the conditions of participation – resulting in a modified calculation of the bonus points – shall remain unaffected. The Participant in question shall receive a bonus voucher based on a pro rata temporis calculation. The bonus can be redeemed within 12 months, following the issuing of the voucher. In the event of extraordinary termination (termination without notice) on the part of Högl, any and all claims resulting from the myhögl Loyalty Program shall lapse.
Privacy Policy
The participation in the myhögl Loyalty Program requires statement of my form of address (Mr/Mrs), my name, my complete address including e-mail address as well as my date of birth – hereinafter referred to as “Basic Data“ – the marking of the first check box regarding the consents to the processing of personal data, the signing of this registration form and, in addition, a purchase made in one of the participating Högl stores – a list of which is available under hoegl.com/myhoegl-stores. My Basic Data, place and time of use of the customer card, the goods purchased and the amount of the sales transaction – hereinafter referred to as “Bonus-Relevant Data” – shall be collected, saved and used by the program operator, namely HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH, Joseph-Lorenz-Straße 1, 4775 Taufkirchen/Pram, Austria – hereinafter referred to as “Högl” and/or “Responsible Party” –, its affiliated companies participating in the myhögl Loyalty Program (branches of the Responsible Party (within the European Union)) – hereinafter referred to as “Affiliated Companies” – as well as order (data) processing companies for the processing of the bonus program, in particular for the calculation of the first loyalty bonus points collected by me as well as for any other processing operations required and relevant for the other services listed under Point 2 of these conditions for participation. In any case, these processing operations represent a requirement for the fulfilment of this agreement. All of the Affiliated Companies as well as the order (data) processing companies can be looked up at any time under hoegl.com/affiliated-companies or may be requested directly from the program operator. There are strict data protection provisions applicable for the processing of the order (and its data, respectively), and these processing companies may, in particular, only and exclusively use the data in question for the fulfilment of their tasks within their mandate. The order (data) processing companies were chosen with much diligence and care. In this context, the Responsible Party shall be entitled to decide upon the purposes and means concerning the processing of my personal data. The Responsible Party uses technical and organizational means to protect my data against loss, manipulation or unentitled access (by third parties). The Responsible Party guarantees to adapt - to a reasonable extent - appropriate safety measures to the current technical development. In the event that I have given my consent to advertising and marketing analyses, the Responsible Party and its Affiliated Companies shall be entitled to use my data also for the purpose of advertising and marketing analyses. In such case, I may receive – via e-mail or regular mail – advertising (concerning, for instance, product information, – in particular on ladies’ shoes and accessories – special offers, non-exclusive special promotion offers and events) from the Responsible Party, its Affiliated Companies and its order (data) processing companies, whereby this form of advertising may be targeted on my special requirements and needs. For this purpose, the Responsible Party, its Affiliated Companies and its order (data) processing companies shall be entitled to save and process my data. I may withdraw my consents to advertising and/or marketing analyses at any time, while such withdrawal shall have no effect on my participation in the myhögl Loyalty Program. The withdrawal of one of the aforementioned consents shall not affect the legitimacy of any data processing carried out on the basis of the given consent up to the point of withdrawal. I shall be entitled to have my relevant personal data deleted, provided that my data are no longer required for purposes they have originally been processed for, or in case that I withdraw my consent, or in the event that there is any other lack of legal basis for such processing. I declare that all particulars supplied by me are correct and that I shall notify the program operator with immediate effect of any possible changes in my personal data. I shall be entitled to request from the Responsible Party the correction of any incorrect personal data relating to me. Moreover, I shall be entitled to obtain reasonable information within the period of one month and free of charge on my personal data saved in this context. I shall address any requests, notifications or other queries via e-mail to my@hoegl.com or via regular mail to HÖGL shoe fashion GmbH, myhögl, Joseph-Lorenz-Straße 1, 4775 Taufkirchen/Pram, Austria. My personal data must be restricted to the extent necessary for the purpose of their processing. In case of termination, any data stored for the implementation of the myhögl Loyalty Program will be deleted. Any further processing shall only be legitimate if it is required to fulfil a legal obligation. Notwithstanding this provision, my data may be further processed for the purpose of either advertising or marketing analyses, provided there exists a relevant, valid consent thereto on my part. I shall be entitled to file a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in the member state of my place of residence, if I take the view that the processing of my personal data violates the GDPR. The Responsible Party shall comply with the extended reporting and notification obligations provided in the GDPR. Any international (cross-border) data transmission requires an adequate level of protection of my personal data. I am aware of my other rights as data subject within the meaning of Articles 12 to 23 of the GDPR. With the exception of Art. 6 Para. 4 of the GDPR, under consideration of any possible successor provisions, any modifications in the data protection provisions of this agreement shall require my consent. The program operator shall inform me of any desired modification, as the case may be. In the event that I contradict to data protection provisions to be modified which are required for the fulfilment of this agreement, such contradiction shall cause the termination of my participation in the myhögl Loyalty Program.
Requests regarding privacy of personal data will be sent to: dataprotection@hoegl.com
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